One-Off Reports
Funded Organisations are required to upload and submit One-Off Reports through the Acquittals Dashboard.
Process Overview
The following sequence flow will assist in understanding the end-to-end process.
The Service Outlet Data Entry prepares (or reworks) and submits the One-Off work item Work Item is known by many names ... report, acquittal, form, work order. containing attachment/s to the Department's Contract Officer. P2i notifies the Contract Officer the submission is ready for assessment via an email. Refer to Submit a One-Off Report or Resubmit a Department Rejected One-Off Report.
The One-Off's work item Status may have the value:
Rejected By Department
The Department (Contract Officer) reviews the One-Off work item and makes a decision to endorse or reject it.
Note A Funded Organisation can request the One-Off work item Work Item is known by many names ... report, acquittal, form, work order. be rejected and returned to the Funded Organisation for rework and resubmit.
A One-Off work item with a Status of Approved By Department cannot be rejected and returned to the Funded Organisation.
The One-Off's work item Status may have the value:
If the Department (Contract Officer) REJECTS:
the One-Off work item:
Status updates toRejected By Department
returns to the Funded Organisation's Service Outlet Data Entry for review and resubmission
the Service Outlet Data Entry receives a P2i email notification.
If the Department (Contract Officer) ENDORSES:
the One-Off work item:
Status updates to Endorsed By Department
the Contract Manager receives a P2i email notification.
The Department (Contract Manager) reviews the endorsed work item and makes a decision to either approve or reject it.
Note A Funded Organisation can request the One-Off work item Work Item is known by many names ... report, acquittal, form, work order. be rejected and returned to the Funded Organisation for rework and resubmit.
A One-Off work item with a Status of Approved By Department cannot be rejected and returned to the Funded Organisation.
The One-Off's work item Status is Endorsed By Department.
If the Department (Contract Manager) REJECTS:
the One-Off work item:
Status updates to Rejected
returns to the Department (Contract Officer) for subsequent rejecting to the Funded Organisation's Service Outlet Data Entry
the Contract Officer receives a P2i email notification.
If the Department (Contract Manager) APPROVES:
the One-Off work item:
Status updates to Approved By Department
the Service Outlet Data Entry receives a P2i email notification.